​Bursa Suq Al-Sila: Its Development And Role In Facilitating Commodity Trading Transactions

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Bursa Suq Al-Sila: Its Development And Role In Facilitating Commodity Trading Transactions

Author: Kamaruzaman Noordin Mohammad Ghaith Mahaini Fares Djafri

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789674881375

Pages: 130pp

Year: 2019


Price: RM48

Murabahah and tawarruq are the most popular contracts used by Islamic financial institutions nowadays to structure their financing products and manage their liquidity requirement. Popularly known as commodity murabahah, this financing mechanism is subject to criticisms particularly when it is argued to be a form of an organised tawarruq. Bursa Suq Al-Sila‘ was mainly established to facilitate the commodity trading for the above facility in a Shariah-compliant way. If you are intrigued to find out the actual way commodity murabahah is applied in Bursa Suq Al-Sila‘ away from misconceptions and ambiguities, this book is for you! This book will also explore the different applications of commodity murabahah in facilitating Islamic financial requirements. This book is useful for Islamic finance professionals, Shariah scholars, policy makers, academicians, students as well as the general public. The hope is that this book serves as a stepping stone towards achieving stronger and more robust Islamic financial system worldwide.



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