Business Sustainability

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Business Sustainability

Editor: Mohd Helmi Ali, Zafir Mohd Makhbul & Suguna Sinniah
Publisher: Penerbit UKM
ISBN: 9789672519263
Weight: 0.222
Pages: 140pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM35

The VUCA business environment fluctuations increase the need for new leadership styles capable of effectively responding to the needs of changing business processes and coping with uncertainty. Leadership is crucial in determining whether a company will succeed or fail. This situation necessitates a rethinking of both the strategy and the actions that organizations should take. It has highlighted the importance of the business sustainability landscape, creating for leaders. Expectations towards leaders become extraordinarily demanding when they have to balance the need to prioritize health and workplace safety and focus more on well-being by reinventing a new normal style of work besides sustaining the business goals. A true leader possesses strong leadership skills, understands sustainability issues, and applies the lessons learned during the pandemic. As we transition into a new post-pandemic world of work, such leaders are required. Therefore, it is essential to highlight the approach of changing the mindset among leaders and how they should accept a crisis as a critical challenge and a real opportunity in VUCA times. This book is significant for those looking at the business sustainability multidimensionality, which was defined primarily on three different business objectives: economic, environmental, and society.



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