Classification And Optimization In Data Analysis An Implementation And Types Used In Rehabilitation Therapy
Author: Waidah Ismail, Safwan M. Ghaleb, Anvar Narzullaez, Rimuljo Hendradi, Azuan Ahmad.
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789670001661
Page: 119 m/s
Year: 2022
Price: RM54
An Implementation and Types Used in Rehabilitation Therapy shares important information needed pertaining to Artificial Intelligence techniques using classification and optimisation approach in making predictions, that are more patient - personalised in the decision making process for rehabilitation patients.
Importantly, this book also highlights significant examples of classification and optimisation algorithms that can be alternatively used for the rehabilitation process.
More specifically, this book focuses on the Medical Interactive Recovery Assistant (MIRA) software in providing the required predictions for physiotherapy, as well as personalize input settings in optimisating the patient performance.
In this context, MIRA is one of the virtual reality exergames that can be used for any rehabilitation patients.