Coaching Athletes with Disabilities

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Coaching Athletes with Disabilities

Author: Nagoor Meera, Kwame Ampofo-Boateng, Rozita Abd Latif
Publisher: UPM Press
ISBN: 9789673442782
Page: 117 m/s
Year: 2012
Price: RM32

This book is a practical guide for coaching methodology and assessing athletes with disabilities effectively and efficiently. This book serves as a guideline for sports coaching practitioners who deal with athletes with disabilities and also the field’s authoritative reference of this field for theory and practices. The straightforward book deals with various disabilities conditions in coaching them and also guides the readers in the practice of performing fitness assessment across various disabilities.

Features include guidelines for talent identification for persons with disabilities, fitness and performance testing on wheelchair basketball players, track and field athletes and also goalball players, inclusion and disability sports, classification in disability sports, exercises and wheelchair bound athletes, wheelchair athletes and training and general principles in coaching athletes with disabilities. This book also serves as a guide for individuals who deals with athletes with disabilities specifically or persons with disabilities at large such as sports coaching practitioners, physical educators, coaches, fitness trainers, sports officers and also researchers who are interested with the area.

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