Conflicts Over Non-Navigational Uses of Shared River Basins

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Conflicts Over Non-Navigational Uses of Shared River Basins

Author: Saad Abbas Alsaadi, Rasyikah Md Khalid
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9789672517986
Weight: 0.268
Year: 2022
Price: RM40.00

Water shared between countries has triggered conflict in the past and in the future, often referred to as the blue war. At the international level, legal frameworks and agreements have been formulated for the better management of international watercourses. However, the targeted rules are fragmented and in need of a holistic adoption and respect by the riparian states. Reaching the book's target urges the authors to examine each source of international law according to what adopted in the Article (38) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, commencing with the conventional source moving to customary rules and general principles of the international law.

Nonviolent means must be the only way to resolve the respective conflicts. Finding new ways to resolve is complicated, but attractive at the same time since it is part of peace-deploying efforts around the world. The institutional option features made it preferable to address these conflicts due to its unique nature as a water diplomacy platform. Readers will understand the contention over the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which is the main case study of the book, along with examples of other river basins in other regions. Recommendations are also provided on drafting specific agreements that will address conflict and provide win-win solutions for the conflicting nations.



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