Deposit & Financing Instrument For Islamic Waqf Bank
Author: Muhammad Ridhwan Ab. Aziz, Mohd Asyraf Yusof
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789670001388
Page: 138 m/s
Year: 2022
Price: RM45
Deposit & Financing Instruments for Islamic Waqf Bank provides an in-depth understanding on deposit and financing instruments for Islamic Waqf Bank.
The book includes a range of topics such as overview of waqf and cash waqf, the idea of Islamic Waqf Bank, analysis on cash waqf as well as the possible structure of deposit and financing instruments for Islamic Waqf Bank.
This research book tries to introduce an innovative concept and instruments for the operation of Islamic Waqf Bank.
This book is suitable for college and university students, academician, practitioner and the general public who are interested in obtaining new idea and concept for the operation of Islamic Waqf Bank, allowing its practical application in this country and worldwide.