Family Law (Non-Muslim) in Malaysia - Second Edition

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Family Law (Non-Muslim) in Malaysia

Author: Norliah Ibrahim, Noraini Md Hashim, Najibah Mohd Zin, Azizah Mohd, Nora Abdul Hak, Normi Abdul Malek, Roslina Che Soh, Mohd Hisham Mohd Kamal

Publisher: IIUM Press

ISBN: 978-967-0225-88-3

Pages: 403 pp (softcover)

Year: 2013

Weight: 0.5kg

Price: RM70

Family Law (Non-Muslim) in Malaysia discusses on family law related to non-Muslims in Malaysia which is generally based on the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 and several other supplementary statutes. Over the years, it is noticed that there have been legislative development affecting family law which need to be addressed and clarified. Thus, the primary aim of this book is not only to state comprehensively the legal aspect but also to highlight the recent developments and to suggest necessary reforms to suit the modernization of communities and the changing society.

The topics presented in the twelve chapters are: historical outline; betrothal and domicile; marriage requirements, procedural matters, status, rights and obligations; divorce and matters incidental thereto – maintenance, division of matrimonial property and custody of child; legitimacy, adoption and domestic violence. As Malaysia is a member of the international community and is a party to, and consequently bound by, a few international treaties, this book explains the effects of the treaties on certain aspects of the national laws.

This book is a useful reference for law students and practitioner. Similarly, for those in the legal fraternity and the public at large, it will make for a better understanding of those principles of civil, family law and to keep abreast with the latest developments and reforms on the subject matter. Finally, this book could not have been published without a great deal of help and encouragement from many sources. The authors would like to thank the Research Management Centre, IIUM for all the assistance and guidance rendered by the Centre in the preparation and publication of this book.



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