Forest Soil Quality Analyses A Quick Guide
Author: Arifin Abdu, Daljit Singh, Keeren Sundara Rajoo
Publisher: UPM Press
ISBN: 9789673449941
Page: 91 m/s
Year: 2019
Price: RM58
This book is written to guide researchers, managers, students, and others involved in land management or environmental ecology studies. When determining soil quality, three aspects must always be taken into account-physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. They are directly or indirectly related to one another, thus need to be evaluated as a whole.
This book has been divided into three parts, each part focusing on one of the soil properties. Part 1 discusses the role of physical properties; part 2 on chemical properties, and part 3 on biological properties of soil. Each part has several chapters that cover the analyses and calculations that need to be carried out to assess the soil’s quality and how to interpret the results.