Halal Industry in Malaysia: Understanding the Legal & Administrative Procedures

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Author: Noriah Ramli
Publisher: CLJ Publications
ISBN: 9789674571764
Pages: 368
Price: RM175.00

The rapid growth of the halal industry in Malaysia and globally has sparked the idea of offering halal as one of the subjects of study in the higher learning institutions in Malaysia, with halal laws and regulations being the points of focus. Nonetheless, students and academicians do not seem to have a specific textbook that can serve as the primary source of reference in matters related to halal laws and regulations in Malaysia.

This Halal Industry in Malaysia: Understanding The Legal & Administrative Procedures book is designed to serve as a quick reference for students studying at the local higher learning institutions to understand the subject of the Hala! Industry Management. This book will also be helpful to the professionals and enforcement officers working in the industry and anyone seeking to understand the legal framework of halal industries and consumerism in Malaysia.

It provides an insight into the existing laws governing the halal industry in Malaysia, such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, logistics. halal enforcement. personal, food and premise hygiene within the perspective of Malaysian Hala! Certification.

Aside from the legal requirements, this book also highlights the administrative infrastructure, which, among others, includes the guidelines, codes of practice, and the position of fatwas (Islamic verdicts) in relation to halal-related matters.

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