In Their Tested Moments: Stories of Strength, Mercy & Hope of the People in the Quran

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In Their Tested Moments: Stories of Strength, Mercy & Hope of the People in the Quran

Author: Syaari Ab Rahman
Publisher: IMAN Shoppe
ISBN: 9789672459316
Weight: 0.350kg
Pages: 300pp
Year: 2021
Price: RM40

When we are tested, there is a chance that we will reach for the Quran to find inspirations to pull ourselves back up. In it we would find stories of past men and women who were also tested — the likes of Prophet Musa AS or Maryam AS — and we would look up to them with reverence because we are in awe with their unshakeable faith towards Allah. 

While these stories act as a ‘bridge’ that connects us to the people of the past, sometimes we struggle to identify ourselves within their stories. They are the chosen ones, and we know our level of spirituality could never match theirs.  

But what if, instead of just looking at their names and the miraculous circumstances surrounding the story, we look at the traits they displayed while enduring the tests such as bravery, honesty, and perseverance?  

In this book, author Syaari Ab Rahman takes us on a journey of Quranic contemplation that offers a fresh perspective on how we can reflect upon the stories and nurture the traits of the people mentioned in the Quran. 



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