Islam and Secularisme: The Quest for a Unity of Knowledge
Author: Yamim Cheng
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674184346
Pages: 100 pp
Year: 2016
Weight: 0.2kg
Price: RM45.00
The establishment of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) was a momentous significance in Muslim history both in Malaysia and the Muslim world as it signals the quest for a form of Islamic education that could offer a unity of knowledge to overcome secularism that Muslims consider is a bane to their worldview and way of life.
This book attempts to look at how secularism emerged, what it did to the Muslim societies, and what efforts have been pursued to deal with it and its ramifications, focusing primarily on the role of the IIUM in this regard through its Islamization of Knowledge (IOK) project. In particular, it seeks to look at how the IOK attempts to bring about a unity of knowledge in Islam for modern times through finding a common ground between the ‘ulum naqliyyah and ‘ulum ‘aqliyyah, or religious and rational sciences, by way of Relevantization and Islamicization, two approaches to mediate the common ground between the two sciences.