Jihad In The Qur’an: The Truth From The Source

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Jihad In The Qur’an: The Truth From The Source – (REVISED & EXPANDED SECOND EDITION)

Author: Dr. Louay Fatoohi

Publisher: A.S. Noordeen

ISBN: 9789830651750

Price: RM18

One source of distorting jihad is the use of inauthentic sources of Islamic teaching. Another is the influence that half-educated and manipulative Muslim scholars have had on unsuspecting, ill-informed followers. A third source, which dates to the early days of Islam, is the propaganda of believers of other faiths who saw Islam as a competing religion. Finally, Western double standards have also played a major role in distorting Islam and jihad.This book discusses these sources of misrepresentation and misinterpretation and shows how they have collaborated to develop an image of jihad that is completely alien to its Qur'anic origin. Focusing on the meaning of jihad in the Qur'an, this study explains that jihad is the person's ongoing struggle against all manifestations of evil, starting with the evil drives within one's self. Contrary to its negative association with violence, jihad has always been intended to be a source of peace within the individual and in the world.



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