​Muhammad The Ultimate Leader: From Western Business Perspective​

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Muhammad The Ultimate Leader: From Western Business Perspective

Author: Dr Daud Batchelor

Publisher: Islamic Book Trust

ISBN : 9789670526706

Year: 2019

Weight: 0.900kg

Pages: 292 ms

Price: RM45

“This book depicts Prophet Muhammad’s صلى الله عليه وسلم qualities with reference to essential Western business leadership traits in a new manner that makes sense to readers with a ‘Western’ outlook, including non-Muslims, as well as showing Muslims that many of his noble principles and methods that led to his success are universal from which all people can benefit. This book offers considerable insights into the personal traits (shama’il) of the

Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. It is also written in an interesting and engaging style that convincingly portrays the excellence of Prophet Muhammad’s صلى الله عليه وسلم high leadership qualities.”

Professor Mohammed Hashim Kamali, CEO of the International Institute forAdvanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia

Many books abound on the Life of Islam’s illustrious prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. This book, however, addresses both Non-Muslims and Muslims alike in seeking to demonstrate from the most reliable sources about his life history, thoughts and deeds that he was indeed the No.1 leader for humanity. The book also provides confidence that we are indeed listening to the Prophet’s voice related to key incidents in his life.



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