Muslim Women Promoting Peace (Soft Cover)

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Muslim Women Promoting Peace (Soft Cover)

Authors : Zaleha Kamaruddin, Abdul Rashid Moten
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674184483
Weight: 0.35kg
Pages: 184pp
Year: 2016
Price: RM90

There are many pious women, coming from various professions, promoting peace through philanthropic activities, inter-faith dialogues, education and empowering women in leadership roles. Most approaches to peacebuilding have ignored or marginalized issues of gender and women. Women, and particularly Muslim women, receive less attention than men in peace-building activities. This is in spite of the fact that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has criticized such marginalization and neglect and promoted women's involvement in peace and security. The OIC calls for gender issues and the need for women to be given much more serious attention in all policies relating to peace. The authors of Muslim Women Promoting Peace have discussed theological and philanthropic and ethical issues relevant to understanding Islamic approaches to peace and highlighted, in a lucid manner, the everyday practices of peacebuilding engaged in by a few Muslim women from various parts of the Muslim world. They question the existing Western popular narratives and juxtapose them with Islamic perspectives and practices and thus offer a grounded understanding of peace in Islam and the role of Muslim women in promoting peace. Muslim women and peace is a topical issue and has been for a very long time, and as the authors of Muslim Women Promoting Peace show, it continues to demand from the world more genuine attention and clarity of purpose to fully enjoy positive peace for all. The world would be a better place if individuals and organizations recognize the role of men and indeed women in peacebuilding in a more holistic manner - from the self, family, community, and the world at large.



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