Occupational Stress : A Handbook
Author: Muzaffar Syah Mallow, Mariam Saidona Tagoranoa
Publisher : USIM Press
ISBN: 9789674405533
Page: 119 pp.
Year: 2018
Price: RM38
Stress in the workplace is an important health and safety issue which cannot be ignored. An employer cannot turn a deaf ear to an employee's complaints of an excessive workload, for example. The employer needs to take appropriate action to ensure that they have fulfilled their duty of care owed to their employees.
As such, the book has been prepared in order for the reader to understand as much as possible over the issue concerning stress at the workplace, the causes and effects it canbring to the individual worker and highlighting pssible legal avenues to deal with the matter under the existence legal systems in Malaysia.
The book would provide an invaluable contribution to the field of knowledge and very useful material for employers, employees, legal practitioners, academics and students alike.