Peasants under Peripheral Capitalism

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Peasants under Peripheral Capitalism

Author: Wan Hashim
Publisher : UKM Press
ISBN:  9789679421248 
Page: 209 m/s
Year: 1988
Price: RM15

Peasants under Peripheral Capitalism is a study of the transformation of peasant societies located within the sociological debate on the agrarian question. It seeks to examine historically and empirically the manner by which the peasantry has been transformed as a result of the extension and domination of the capitalist mode of production in a specific social formation.

This study takes the view that there is a difference in the manner by which the “peasant problem” in the less developed societies is solved as compared with that in the now advanced countries of Western Europe. This difference can be shown through a study of the process in a peripheral social formation and to be compared with the historical experience of the advanced capitalist countries.

This type of study can be meaningful only if the totality of the social formation in question, particularly the economic infrastructure, and the role of the state are taken into consideration. Of these, the state also plays an important role in directing the process of transition of the agrarian sector in the Third World social formation.



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