​Political Participation of Women: Contemporary Perspectives of Gender Feminists & Islamic Revivalists

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Political Participation of Women: Contemporary Perspectives of Gender Feminists & Islamic Revivalists

Author: Zeenath Kausar

Publisher: A. S Noordeen

ISBN: 9789830650524

Price: RM7

Weight: 0.100kg

In the west, gender feminist thought , a recent school in feminism, emphasizes women’s political Participation at the cost of gender and family deconstruction, accepting all forms deviant sexuality. Whereas women’s political participation has continued to remain a subject of controversial debate in the Muslim scholarship. However, the author in this book has contended that a few contemporary Islamists strongly support women’s political participation at different levels. It is argued that Islam is not against The participation of women in politics but the institution of family can not be neglected. However it’s also Suggested that the co-operation of the men with women in the family and the development of peaceful and Healthier family environment through bridging the gap of communication and interaction between husbands and wife and between parents and children are essential for the positive contribution of women In the family and the society.



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