Quranic Acoustic An Analysis For Cryptographic Application

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Quranic Acoustic An Analysis For Cryptographic Application

Author: M Norazizi Sham Mohd Sayuti, Muhammad Fahim Roslan.
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789670001531
Page: 195 m/s
Year: 2022
Price: RM56

For Muslims, Quran is a complete Holy book of reference, and this is reflected in many ways including how it is recited. Most of the studies on acoustical elements in the Quran were focusing on how the recitation is performed, rather than studying the acoustical elements with respect to the text’s meanings. By understanding the meanings through a textual analysis, an acoustic profile can be developed, and consequently be applied in the cyber-security field.

Studies have shown that AES-based block cipher alone is not a silver bullet to cyber-security threats. The cyber-security field can benefit from the application of the acoustic profile, by designing the internal structure of AES-based block cipher based on the acoustical elements in the Quran. This could provide enhanced resistance to side-channel attacks. The results of the Quranic acoustic research from the textual analysis until the construction of acoustic profile, including the potential of the profile in the cryptographic application is compiled through several articles in this book.



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