Role of Muslim Women in Society
Author: Afzalur Rahman
Publisher: A.S. Noordeen
ISBN: 9789830653525
Pages: 590 pages
The quran elevates the position of woman as a daughter, sister, wife, and mother, and in all these positions she enjoys all the social, economic, legal, religious and educational rights of man. The Prophet, by his teaching and practice, as explained before, fully established woman, in all the above roles, as a full fledged member of society, enjoying equal rights and status with man; and contributing equaly with him, if not more, to the growth and development of society and enrichment of human culture. This, however, in no way implies a similarity or uniformity in their functions as well. Both enjoy equal status and equal rights as humans and as co-partners in life. But in the field of work, their functions in general are of a different nature and scope, being mainly determined by their natural physical, physiological, physiological and emotional disposition. In this respect, it may be pointed out that dissimilarity and non-comformity in functions do not in any way reflect the inferiority or superiority of etheir sex. It is merely a division of work between them according to their natural abilities, aptitudes, capacities and endowments.