Serbian Islamophobia
Author: Spahic Omer
Publisher: Dar Al Wahi Publication
ISBN: 9789670729541
Weight: 0.3
Pages: 234pp
Year: 2023
Price: RM43
This book was published in 2022 by the Dar Al Wahi Publication in Kuala Lumpur, some general aspects of Islamophobia: its definition, characteristics, history, and manifestations, have been dealt with. The current book however has a very specific aim, namely to examine the concept and phenomenon of Serbian Islamophobia. This is done by analyzing the Islamophobic roles and contributions of three prominent Serbian personalities, exemplifying thus three different eras and three mutually complementing approaches. Those personalities are Saint Save (d. 1236), who lived before the arrival of the Osmanlis (Ottomans) on the Balkan Peninsula; Petar II Petrovic Njegos (d. 1851), whose epoch was marked by the waning of the Osmanli power in the region and beyond; and Srda Trifkovic (born in1954), whose case represents the turbulent modern times.