The Art of Disputation in Islam
Translator: Md. Asham Bin Ahmad
Publisher: IKIM Press
ISBN: 9789670044125
Weight: 0.4
Pages: pp
Year: 2023
Price: RM75
Dialectical Thinking and The Art of Disputation is specifically espoused in the intellectual tradition of Islam in the form of a discipline known as Adab al-Bahth wa al-Munazarah (the Procedure of Inquiry and Debate), a creative synthesis of logic and juridical dialectics aimed at arriving at truth via a disciplined debate, in which a proposition and its proof can be cross-examined by the disputants. Three main components of this discipline are the definition (tariff, the classification (taqsim) and the proposition (tasdiq). This book introduces an important text in this discipline complete with its English translation.