The Contributions of Women in Islamic Studies and Education Malay Archipelago
Editor: Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Yasin & Mek Wok Mahmud
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674914233
Weight: 0.405kg
Pages: 252 pages
Year: 2024
Price: RM50
This book is the result of a group of scholars writings sponsored by Yayasan Bukhari, who want to recognise the important role that women have played in Islamic education across the Malay archipelago. The book acknowledged that the pre- and post-colonial systems had an impact on popular perceptions and beliefs on islamic studies, highlighting the diverse educational backgrounds of each individual. The purpose of this book is to explain and comprehend the ways in which women, particularly in the area of Islamic studies, contribute to the educational system, It uncovers how women empowerment has been attained through the system, and how the system influences women's duties and responsibilities in all spheres of life Justice in gender equality has been achieved as a result of the major works and writings in this book which extensively discussed the importance of education as a game-changer that raises the bar for women's empowerment. The goal of the empirical facts and scientific research is to raise awareness, aid in understanding the importance of women's roles in Islamic studies and society, and encourage women everywhere to make positive contributions to their own well-being as well as the Islamic education of those around them.