The Intellectual Horizons of Civilizational Islam (Islam Hadhari)
Revised Edition 2017
Mohammad Hashim Kamali
Publisher: International
Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia
Page: 117pp
It is a great pleasure for me to contribute a preface to the
new edition of this valuable book by Professor Dr. Mohammad Hashim Kamali,
which explains the Islamic significances and important features of the concept
and initiative of “Islam Hadhari”, or Civilizational Islam. I would like to
spell out a few words to highlights the reasons why the civilizational aspects
of Islam matters in the eyes of the Japanese today, at the first quarter of the
21st century. It goes without saying that the revival of Islamic civilizational
and the Islamic Ummah matter very much for the Muslims. It is also my
conviction that they should matter for the entire human race, since human
civilization is at a crossroads between a path towards its own degeneration and
self-destruction through never-ending material expansions and a path towards
its reform and renewal through the revitalization of civilizational assets and
wisdoms of mankind as a whole.
Being extremely delighted with this significant step, I
asked Professor Kamli to republish his valuabl;e work on Islam Hadhari. I felt
a strong need for such a publication, because the younger generations may not
share our awareness an d knowledge on Islam Hadhari and it is our duty to
inform them of its significance at thi9s juncture of human and Islamic history.
I hope this book will serve such a task, and not only for established scholars
and leaders, but also that many from the younger generations will join the
Hadhari Global Network.
Kosugi, LL.D.
Graduated School of Asian and African Area Studies
Center for Islamic Civilizational Studies,
Kyoto University, Japan