The Islamic Worldview, Ethics and Civilization: Issues in Contemporary Interdisciplinary Discourse

2 item(s)

The Islamic Worldview, Ethics and Civilization: Issues in Contemporary Interdisciplinary Discourse

Editor: Abdul Kadir Hussain Solihu

Publisher: IIUM Press

ISBN: 978-967-0225-63-0

Pages: 279 pp

Year: 2012

Weight: 0.400kg

Price: RM55.00

Part 1: Worldview and Civilization

1. Culture and civilization: A review of concepts (Suleiman M. H. Boayo)

2. The question of development in Islam: Revitalising the role of worldview & civilizational vision (Abdelaziz Berghout)

3. Urbanization & resources sustainability: lessons from Maqasid al-shariah (Abubakr Imam Ali-Agan & Muhammad Bello Ibrahim)

4. Defining moderation & extremism in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah (Jamal Ahmed Badi)

5. The Islamic Worldview on the preservation and restoration of mental health (Abdul Latif Abdul Razak)

Part 2: Ethics and Religion

1. The role of religion in shaping moral character: Islamic & catholic perspectives (Fatmir Mehdi Shehu)

2. Media audience ethics in Islam and Christianity (Abdul Kabir Hussain Solihu)

3. Voluntarism: An Islamic Perspective (Kabuye Uthman Sulaiman)

4. Servant leadership in Islam (Abdul Raufu Ambali, Ahmad Naqiyuddin Bakar, Jasmine Ahmad & Zahra Tariq)

5. Islamic Perspective of suicide attack: concepts, causes and effects (Md. Yousuf Ali)

6. Euthanasia: An Islamic

Perspective (Mohammad Manzoor Malik)

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