​The World In Conflict: Understanding The World'S Troublespots

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The World In Conflict: Understanding The World'S Troublespots

Author : John Andrews

Publisher : Profile Books

ISBN : 9781788160032

Year : 2017

Weight : 0.300kg

Pages : 323

Price : RM47

In the second decade of each century, a new global order commonly starts to assert itself. In the 19th, Napoleon's defeat gave birth to the world of rivalrous European powers. In the 20th, the First World War triggered a wave of revolutions that cleared a path for the American era. Ours appears to be no different.

The world is once again on the move: China extends its influence across the globe; Europe is struggling to maintain unity and the United States looks hollowed out by its own past adventures. Meanwhile Russia is up to a lot of startlingly bold new tricks.

In this expanded new edition of The World in Conflict, John Andrews tackles head-on the reasons why global violence is ever-present in our lives. He analyses every single one of today's major conflicts region by region, considering the causes, contexts, participants, impacts and likely outcomes. He looks at recently-ended wars that still spawn intermittent fighting. And he considers where, why and how new conflicts might erupt.

This is a must-read for our interesting times, a guide to our new world of terrorism, kompromat and cyber war, shifting powers and enduring strife. If you want to know who is fighting where, for what, and whether they can win, The World in Conflict is indispensable.



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