Towards Developing an Integrated Research Method in Human Sciences

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Towards Developing an Integrated Research Method in Human Sciences

Editor: Mohd. Yusof Hussain
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9833855059
Pages: 354pp
Year: 2009
Price: RM42

The idea of coming up with a book on integrated research methods emerged as a result of realizing the need to help students as well as lecturers from various disciplines in Human Sciences at the International Islamic University Malaysia and beyond who are attempting to apply the integrated research method with an understanding and appreciation of the techniques of research, data analysis and report writing from both the Western and Islamic perspectives to enable them to integrate the two perspectives in their research endeavors. There is therefore a need to develop a method capable of studying social phenomena and which allows the use of Revealed Knowledge as a source of social theorizing. This method will be known as the Integrated Research Method and will be used to advance Islamic scholarship. This alternative method will combine the strengths of both the Western and the classical Muslim methods and the same time be in line with Islamic ideals and aspirations. The mixing of the strengths of both methods will be determined by each of the various social science disciplines.



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